"My Child Is Suffering From Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2"
Anas was born normally. He grew normally like a normal baby should until he was 5 months old. It all began at the age of 7 and 8 months old.
The mother noticed something unusual with her baby. He can only turn halfway when trying to prone position and can't lift his leg.
His mother refers him to the General Clinic then to the General Hospital. At first, they only suspect he only experiencing muscle weakness . He then underwent 3 MRI tests to ascertain his condition, but no results.
Anas was referred to another specialist and underwent a blood test at IMR KL. With the Blood test, the doctor confirms Anas have SMA type 2.
Weighted only 7kg at 2 years old, he can barely hold anything with his hand and unable to move his leg . Anas required the 'Cough Assist Machine' to assist him in breathing which only available at the Hospital.
Anas has been detained in the hospital for more than 8 times in order to use the machine. The doctor suggested, Anas need the 'Cough Assist Machine' at home to avoid frequent detention in the Hospital.
With that reason, Anas need financial support to have the 'Machine' at home. His mother had to quit her job to take care of her baby. She needs to be there to ensure Anas's condition is always stable.
We from MyHeart in collaboration with MyFundAction are We're on a mission to democratize giving, we believe in harnessing human compassion and kindness for people in need.
We desperately need your generous contribution. Because of your generosity and good heart, many families out there are surviving.
Your support will be contributed to more families out there who are suffering from similar conditions.
MyHeart and MyFundAction telling Anas's story to make the Genetic Fund a success for patients like him. The proceeds of the collection will be given according to Anas's needs and the surplus will be given to other patients in need. Can follow the patient's progress at Facebook @MyHeartVolunteers