"Are you aware of the suffering in Africa? It's heartbreaking to know that 90% of the population there is Muslim, and our brothers and sisters had to endure immense hardship. 

That's why a dedicated team of five from MyFundAction embarked on a mission in Conakry, Guinea. For these 18 days, we are committed to making a difference and bringing new hope to those in Africa. Our projects in Africa include:

Qurban Care For Ummah Project:

As we approach Eid-ul-Adha, we are preparing to celebrate by sacrificing and distributing 1000 goats for qurban to those in need in Africa.

There are less than 100 registration slots remaining, with the final registration date being June 25th. Let's perform qurban and make a meaningful impact before time runs out.

Schools for Africa Project:

We are dedicated to providing well-equipped schools with basic facilities, ensuring that children have a comfortable learning environment. Our focus is on providing chairs, tables, stationery, books, and covering maintenance costs for these schools.

Zero Hunger Africa Project:

Together with the local community in Africa, we will be preparing a special meal and distributing essential food supplies and qurban packs.

These qurban packs can sustain individuals for up to 2 years, providing reassurance even in times of food scarcity.

Clean Water Project Africa:

Our goal is to install 50 manual water pumps in Nzerekore Village, benefiting approximately 1,000 individuals in Africa.

Through this project, we aim to provide access to clean and safe water, improving the quality of life for the community.

Together, this upcoming Zulhijjah, let's bring hope to those in need in Africa."

He who alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the world, Allah would alleviate his suffering from the sufferings of the Day of Resurrection, (HR. Muslim no.2699)

The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are the most virtuous days of the year, in which Allah (swt) has blessed his Ummah with opportunities to multiply their rewards through His infinite mercy. 

(The Noble Qur’an, 89:1-2).

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Ruangan yang wajib diisi


Pilihan Kuantiti Nilai (RM)
Qurban Kambing-RM650 BELUM MULA
Wakaf Pendidikan RM50
Wakaf Telaga Air RM50
Wakaf Quran RM50
Seikhlas Hati
Caj Perkhidmatan Peniaga (RM)



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